The Spherical Icon Set Icons Pack
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Reference Links To Resources (Which Web Site Captch This Resource)Ahmad Hania
Resource Information: The icons contains 4 different size: 32*32px, 48*48px, 64*64px and 128*128px and it is in a PNG file format. The icons is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.. Icons in set : ahmad hania logo, airplane, align bottom, align hor center, align left, align right, align top, align ver center, anti virus, back, battery empty, battery full, blinklist, blogmarks, bluetooth, bomb, burn, butterfly, calculator, camera, cd, center bottom, center center, center left, center right, center top, chat, close, configuration 1, connect, copyright, cut,, delete, designfloat, digg, down, easy access, edit, email, error, fast backward, fast forward, favorites, files add, file asp, file aspx, file c#, file c++, file configuration, file copy, file css, file download, file edit, file html, file jar, file javascript, file media, file new,
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